
Sample Essay On Freedom of Media

Freedom of media is an important aspect of democracy which provides the press with equal rights of expressing different types of point of view. However, its literal meaning would differ around the world. It depends upon the country or nation that how does it define the freedom of media to function its democracy fully. Moreover, the limitations and restrictions of this freedom are also applied differently.

Freedom holds the media accountable for the safety of people. It must take every action or step consciously and wisely to eliminate the disastrous consequences for the nation as a whole. Also, it controls the level of freedom given to different individuals and groups. If the media of a country works diligently, it can keep a check and balance on every powerful political and economic figure. This way, none of them would be able to use the system for the sake of their advantages. But the freedom of media is complementary to serve such greater purposes.

Media is also supposed to reveal those who are promoting corruption, oppression, or any sort of social evil. The voice of media can be heard by the majority of people so it should be the first one raising voice against immoral or criminal activities. Furthermore, the whole nation trusts the authenticity of knowledge and information that is shared with them by media. So, it is important to make sure that the people, who belong to media or press in any way, collect their facts and figures through reliable sources before sharing any sort of data with the public. Any invalid news or update can end up causing huge trouble to a lot of irrelevant people.

However, if the power and freedom is not given to media, the people of that nation will remain ignorant and backward. They won’t even be able to match the pace of the rest of the world. So, the authorities must make sure that they provide media with all of the liberties. Otherwise, many oppressed and voiceless people would never get heard by the nation. Also, those who are in power would start running the country in their way without the fear of being questioned. As a result, democracy would also start getting affected negatively and the public will become powerless in various important matters which are directly or indirectly related to them.

In a nutshell, the freedom of media is necessary so its importance cannot be denied. Since it helps keep the democracy of a nation functioning smoothly, people become aware of their rights and everything else happening around the globe. On the other hand, the media should realize the responsibility it has on its shoulders. It must act honestly to be able to shape the perceptions and mindsets of the public effectively. However, there must be some legit restraints on media to prevent it from manipulating people or misusing the information. Also, it should be held accountable for reporting false facts or rumors which can further affect the peace and harmony of a country.