
Holi Festival Essay

Holi is a festival which has been celebrated by the Hindu community so far but now it is widely spread at different corners of this world where people enjoy it with the same happiness and enthusiasm. It is also known as the festival of colors which is being celebrated during the spring season. During this festival, everything from the streets and houses to the markets and people is filled with loads of beautiful colors. People come together to celebrate this event by forgetting their old rivalries and giving another chance to the relationships.

It is a festival which lasts for two days with continuity. It starts a night before the main festival and also known as small Holi. Then, comes the large part of the Holi in which a heap is burned on streets which indicate the victory of good over evil. It is a reminder that evil is going to be defeated and the truth always unfolds at the end of the day. The next day people arrange different beautiful colors to play with them while visiting each other. The exchange of good wishes, hugs, and sweets i.e. Laddoos, Thandai, and gujiya are also included in the Holi festival which continues almost for a week.

Moreover, the climate or weather of spring is quite pleasing when there are beautiful flowers all around. This is the best time for the Holi festival and causes a beautiful impact on the hearts and minds. It fills up everyone with energy, positivity, and love while helping them in getting rid of boredom, negativity, and hatred at the same time. The reunion with old friends, relatives, and family make people realize the importance of each other to spend good and healthy lives.

It is also important to take necessary safety measures to make sure that the colors don’t include any harsh chemicals which can damage the skin or health. Also, the consumption of alcohol must be prohibited to make sure that this beautiful festival of Holi doesn’t end up causing any harm to anyone. One must get rid of all the evil in the heart to allow the love to flow and stay there forever. The Holi festival also makes one remind his/her childhood memories to adore and cherish them.

Since the festival of Holi has crossed the boundaries and it is now being celebrated in different schools, colleges, and universities of other countries, it is spreading love and happiness in a way worldwide. It also allows for making remarkable and unforgettable memories. The other important lesson it teaches to everyone is to let go of the past and let the present take the lead to be able to live a contented and peaceful life. This is what makes the festival even more special and pleasant.

Long story short, Holi is a festival which promotes brotherhood and love among people so it must be celebrated with responsibility and care. Also, everyone should be careful with the colors and feelings of others to enjoy each moment of it to its fullest.